Our gallery will present a collective project (5 artists) based on the idea of the “non-place”, those landscapes that only exist in memory and that, therefore, are not a reflection of reality, but the sum of several realities. We will be presenting works by Cuban artists Ariamna Contino, Jose Manuel Fors, Ivan Perera, Jorge Rios, and Rachel Valdes, with works on paper that range from the most traditional use of paper as a surface to the conceptual approach of the paper itself as the main element of creation. Why “non-place”? Theoretically, the “non-place” is a space of anonymity for exchanges of different types among people. This can be a space for marketing, movement, rest; it may even be associated with refugee camps. Basically, it is a place stripped of identity, culture, religion. The roller coaster of living in the era of super-modernity has collapsed the ability of human beings to personalize their lives to control their history, the information, the misinformation. Somehow, this chaotic centralized network has made these spaces of discomfort places of loss where we encounter our identity, or rather, rewrite it. These landscapes built of memories arise, with the aim of pointing out which memories or experiences make up the true identity of people today.