Elsa Mora Cuban, b. 1971
One Hundred and One Notions (a series of 101 small sculptures), 2018
Paper and glue
a variety of sizes, from 2” to about 8” on the largest side
One Hundred and One Notions is about perception, and it consists of one hundred and one small paper sculptures, each of them representing a mental disorder. Along the process of...
One Hundred and One Notions is about perception, and it consists of one hundred and one small paper sculptures, each of them representing a mental disorder. Along the process of creating these pieces, I did research about the different mental disorders, some of which I had never heard of. For example, Fregoli delusion is a rare disorder in which a person holds a delusional belief that different people are in fact a single person who changes appearance or is in disguise. This installation is an homage to the human mind and the endless ways in which it expresses itself. It is about the darkness, light, and mysteries of our human condition.